When possible, I have provided access to the paper/chapter, in either final published version, or author version. If anything is not available, drop me an email.

You can also dowload a BibTex file (not updated!).


Sicart, M. (2023) Playing Software. Homo Ludens in Computational Culture. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

Sicart, M. (2023), “The Beautiful Rule: Thinking The Aesthetics of Game Rules”, Games and Culture (accepted).

Neumayer, C. and Miguel Sicart (2023), “Probably not a game: playing with the AI in the ritual of taking pictures on the mobile phone”, in Futures of Mobile Communication (accepted)


Sicart, M. (2022), “Thinking the Things We Play With”, in Germaine, C. and Paul Wake (eds.), Material Game Studies. A Philosophy of Analogue Play. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 21-32 text.


Sicart, M., I. Shklovski, and M. Jones. Can Machine Learning Be Moral?. Presentation at the Human Centered AI workshop at NeurIPS 2021 text

Sicart, M. (2021). Playful Capitalism, or Play as an Instrument of Capital. Contracampo v.40, n. 2

Sicart, M. (2021). Playthings. Games and Culture. Text. A quick note on the text

Sicart, M. (2021). Playing an Automated World. In T. de la Hera, J.Jansz, J. Raessens, and B. Schouten, Persuasive Gaming in Context, Amsterdam University Press, pp. 41-56. Open Access

Sicart, M. (2021). Toward an Ethic of Homo Ludens. In V. Rapti & E. Gordon (Eds.), Ludics. Play as Humanistic Inquiry (pp. 21–45). Palgrave Macmillan. Text


Sicart, M. (2020). Homo Ludens Reloaded: The Ethics of Play in the Information Age. In M. Groen, N. Kiel, A. Tillmann, & A. Weßel (Eds.), Games and Ethics. Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Ethical Questions in Digital Game Cultures (pp. 13–27). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Text

Sicart, M. A. (2020). Playing software: The role of the ludic in the software society Information, Communication & Society. DOI Text

Sicart, M. A., & Shklovski, I. (2020). ‘Pataphysical Software: (Ridiculous) Technological Solutions for Imaginary Problems. Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ‘20), 1859–1871. DOI Text


Sicart, M. A. (2019). Papers, Please: Ethics. In N. Huntemann & M. T. Payne (Eds.), How To Play Videogames (pp. 149–156). New York University Press. Text


Sicart, M. A. (2018a). Play Computers. In B. Suter, M. Kocher, & R. Bauer (Eds.), Game Mechanics (pp. 47–65). Transcript Verlag.

Sicart, M. A. (2018b). Playing with Ethics. In C. Lury, R. Fensham, A. Heller-Nicholas, S. Lammes, A. Lammes, M. Michael, & E. Uprichard (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods (pp. 183–186). Routledge. Text

Sicart, M. A. (2018d). Quixotean Play in the Age of Computation. American Journal of Play, 10(3). Text

Sicart, M. A. (2018e). Play in the Information Age. Philosophy & Technology, 1–18. DOI Text

Sicart, M., & Pichlmair, M. (2018). Playing Ourselves into Feudalism: The Politics and Ethics of Playful Automation (ScienceOpenVid:a169eb69-3d52-4d00-86e2-6c040e90503d). 1–4. DOI

Spiel, K., Kayali, F., Horvath, L., Penkler, M., Harrer, S., Sicart, M. A., & Hammer, J. (2018). Fitter, Happier, More Productive? The Normative Ontology of Fitness Trackers. CHI'18 Extended Abtracts. DOI


Pichlmair, M., Mech, L., & Sicart, M. A. (2017). Designing for Immediate Play. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games. DOI


Sicart, M. A. (2016a). Mechanics. In H. Lowood & R. Guins (Eds.), Debugging Game History: A Critical Lexicon. (pp. 297–304). MIT Press. Text

Sicart, M. A. (2016b). Play and the City. Navigationen. Zeitschrift Für Medien- Und Kulturwissenschaften, 25–40. Text

Sicart, M. A. (2016c). Reality has always been augmented: Play and the promises of Pokémon GO. Mobile Media & Communication, 5(1), 30–33. DOI Text

Sicart, M. A. (2016d). We the Soldiers: Player Complicity and Ethical Gameplay in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. In P. Harrigan & M. G. Kirschenbaum (Eds.), Zones of Control: Perspectives on War Gaming (pp. 309–318). MIT Press. Text


Sicart, M. A. (2015a). Loops and Metagames: Understanding Game Design Structures. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG 2015), June 22-25, 2015, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. Text

Sicart, M. A. (2015b). Participatory Republics: Play and the Political. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG 2015), June 22-25, 2015, Pacific Grove, CA, USA. Text

Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2015). Playing the good life: Gamification and ethics. In S. Waltz & S. Deterding (Eds.), The Gameful World (pp. 225–244). MIT Press. Text


Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2014a). Play Matters. MIT Press.

Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2014b). Wicked Games: Designing Moral Dilemmas in Computer Games. Design Issues, 29(3), 28–37. Text


Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2013a). A Tale of Two Games: Football and FIFA 12. In M. Consalvo, K. Mitgutsch, & A. Stein (Eds.), The Sports Videogames (1st ed., pp. 32–49). Routledge. Text

Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2013b). Beyond Choices: The Design of Ethical Gameplay. MIT Press.


Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2012). Digital Games as Ethical Technologies. In The Philosophy of Computer Games (pp. 101–124). Springer. Text


Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2011). Against Procedurality. Game Studies, 11(3).


Wilson, D., & Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2010). Now It’s Personal: On Abusive Game Design. Future Play Conference Proceedings, 64.Text


Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2009a). The Banality of Simulated Evil: Designing Ethical Gameplay. Ethics and Information Technology, 11(3), 191–202. DOI Text

Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2009b). The Ethics of Computer Games. MIT Press.


Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2008a). Defining Game Mechanics. Game Studies, 8(2).

Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2008b). How I learned to love the Bomb: Defcon and the Ethics of Computer Games. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1–10. Text

Sicart (Vila), M. A. (2008c). Newsgames: Theory and Design. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 27–33. Text


Vila, M. A. S. (2005). Game, Player, Ethics: A Virtue Ethics Approach to Computer Games. International Review of Information Ethics, vol. 4